“La Atalaya” is a viewpoint on the upper area of Santa Úrsula from which the entire municipality can be surveyed. From here you can see the different districts that make up the municipality. From this point you can observe the entire region of Acentejo all the way to Tacoronte.

The Camino Candelaria passes through this viewpoint, an old road that was used to make a pilgrimage to Marian town of Candelaria to visit the Virgin of Candelaria during the festivities dedicated to her (February and August). From here you can reach different mountain trails, such as the ones to the “Bosquete de los Sanguinos” and the “Las Palomas” Nature Reserve.

Here you can admire the landscape that is overgrown by numerous varieties of laurel forest species, one of the vestiges of this peculiar Canarian mountain of Macaronesia. In addition, the fauna is very varied since the proximity to the nature reserves means that in this area you can see species such as the yellow Cleopatra butterfly, known as the lemon butterfly or simply yellow butterfly.

There is also a small chapel with a cross in this area, are site of cultural heritage where festivities in its honour were celebrated by the locals who danced and prepared food for themselves and for visitors. Even today it is a place of get-together when on the last Sunday of May a festival in honour of Our Lady of Pilgrims is celebrated here.

To get to this space we have to use the Nueva Corujera road (C-620) or “Calle Guanches” to go up one of the streets that lead here. On one hand, you can access Calle Pino Alto until you cross the ravine Barranco del Pino and go up Calle Cuesta Bacalao and Lugar Pino Alto until you reach the area of the La Atalaya lookout. On the other hand, we have access via Calle Los Castaños and Calle Las Turcas, which get you to this place by ascending them.

You can also use the Transportes Interurbanos de Tenerife (TITSA) bus line number 380 (La Corujera – La Orotava – Los Realejos – Tigaiga), which ends in the centre of the La Corujera district (stops 4827 to 4829 and 4871) or at the times when it goes up to Pino Alto (stops 5040 to 5043), and then walk through any of the streets to the viewpoint.

It is recommended to use a vehicle with good traction due to the steep slopes in this part of the municipality. Also, when ascending you will need comfortable shoes to get around the area, since parking space is limited.