From “La Atalaya” one can see the wide area of land and sea that belongs to Tacoronte-Acentejo. From here and going down the streets between farms and vineyards and other crops we arrive at La Corujera.

At the entrance of Calle Guanches, the old Guanche road, the main events of the many festivals are held: the folk festival in the month of May. This is a great festival which hundreds of people from all over the island attend. Also the festivities of San Batrolomé, seeking the shade in summer and in December the festivities of the Immaculate Conception sheltering form the cold.

The Sanguino Copse

Rhamnus glandulosa is a solitary tree that grows to between 5 and 8 metres high and can be found in habitats such as Canary laurel and laurophyll forests. What is special about this place is that due to the conditions found here, we have a whole copse of these trees, which also make possible the existence of species unique to this area such as the yellow Cleopatra butterfly. (More information)

The Atalaya Lookout

A watchtower (atalaya) is a high point from which any point of sea or land can be seen. In the case of Santa Úrsula, this natural watchtower allows you to look over the entire territory and the coast of Acentejo as well as offering panoramic views of Santa Úrsula in its entirety. Going up to the Atalaya lookout enables you to contemplate a unique and exceptional landscape.

The Burning of Loreto

Ash Wednesday is special in Santa Úrsula. The district of La Corujera celebrates its traditional Burning of Loreto, a figure that represents a modern day character – nowadays a global one, but in the past a local – that traverses the streets of this village until it reaches the square where it is burned, and attendees can to enjoy the dance in the great open-air party. (More information)

The Romeria of La Corujera

The romeria of La Corujera, such as we know it today, was originally an initiative of a teacher from La Corujera primary school, who proposed to start a romeria in May to celebrate Canary Islands Day, taking out the small cross which the school had in those days. In 1997 the romeria was got started with supermarket trolleys and other objects, which continues to be held in the district to this day, and which is famous in all over the island of Tenerife. (More information)

Festival in honour of Saint Bartholomew of La Corujera

August 24 is a special day for La Corujera. Their Festivities of the patron saint, the Apostle Saint Bartholomew are celebrated in the middle of summer. They prepare an agenda full of festivities and events where, since the 60s-70s, all the groups from this place in the midlands have participated. The traditional legends about the saint and his relationship with the devil also takes on special relevance. (More information)

Festival in honour of Immaculate Conception of La Corujera

The devotion towards the Immaculate Conception of La Corujera is among strongest in Santa Úrsula. This winter festival invites its attendees to seek warmth in the dances and festivities, which revolve around December 8th, day of the Immaculate Conception. (More information)

Hermitage of Saint Bartholomew of La Corujera

Built in 1705 thanks to the provisions of the priest Juan García Calzadilla, it was opened for worship in 1713, celebrating the festivities of Saint Bartholomew and the Holy Saviour from that moment on. Inside are the images of Saint Bartholomew, inventoried since 1724 and donated by the priest Calzadilla, the image of the Immaculate Conception from the early 20th century and other articles of worship such as a crucified Jesus in ivory and gold. (More information)